Pit-Fired Ceramics

Pit-Fired Ceramics









7 in stock

SKU: C-Pit-SS25 Category: Tag:


Pit Firing is the oldest known method of firing ceramic pots, using natural and chemical materials to produce an ethereal and unpredictable range of colors on fired pieces. In an intimate class led by trans ceramicist Kit Grindeland, students will engage with the magic of the pit!

In this class intermediate students will be asked to build three to four ceramic pieces to be burnished, bisqued, and ultimately fired in an above-ground pit. Students will be given the option to handbuild or wheel throw their pieces, with demos given in pinch-pot sculptures and pinch/slab mask making.

We will learn about and independently forage natural colorants and learn about chemical/metal colorants, as well as learn how to make and apply our own terra sigillata prior to communally building and firing in the pit. Students will walk away with a full understanding of how to pursue their own alternative pit or barrel firing their own homes or studios while engaging in a community of artists engaging in a primal method of group-firing. The class will meet during the weekend of 7/12 – 7/13 for the pit firing with a rain date of 7/19 – 7/20.