Fostering accessibility

The Steel Yard teamed up with Tina Pederson of RAMP (Real Access Motivates Progress) to design and fabricate a custom wheelchair-accessible picnic table. The table was designed by Tina with the idea that all should be welcome at the table. There are wheels on either end of both benches, making it appear as though whoever is sitting at the table is also in a wheelchair. It also allows space for up to three functional wheelchairs, and features a RI state flag and a dog leash hitch. The table was fabricated by Layla Farahbakhsh, Ashley LittleJohn, Steve Boudo, Amy Ramos, John Nugyen, Tim Ferland and Howie Sneider.
Tina’s Table was unveiled last month in Kennedy Plaza, to a huge audience that included Mayor Jorge O. Alorza, Lt. Governor Sabina Matos, Commerce Secretary Stefan Pryor, and U.S. Representative Jim Langevin. Members of the Steel Yard team also attended the celebration. As of now, Tina’s Table will be roaming until it finds a permanent home in Providence, but Tina and the Steel Yard are hopeful that this is just the beginning, and that there will be many more Tina’s Tables to come!