White Family Foundation funds Scholarships
Thanks to the White Family Foundation, The Steel Yard will be operating the biggest summer youth program in our history! Every year, we host week-long educational summer camps in Metals and Jewelry for youth ages 14 through 18. The Foundation has generously awarded us close to $10,000 to provide scholarships for youth to attend Camp Metalhead (welding) and Camp Copperhead (jewelry) in July 2020.
Camp Metalhead offers the opportunity to rip through steel with gas torches – and teaches how to fuse it back together with a 10,000-degree electrical arc.
Camp Copperhead sees students sawing, filing, soldering scoring and bending their way to their own jewelry designs.
And once the week-long camp is over? All participants can come to open studio sessions – free of charge – to continue their work or learn something new. Scholarships applications will be available later in the Spring of 2020 – so stay tuned! Kudos to the White Family Foundation for opening the doors to the industrial arts for countless young people throughout Rhode Island.