Workforce Application

Workforce Application

April 14, 2025 – april 18, 2025

Please include the best days of the week for the preliminary 30-minute phone interview
Please include the best time of the day for the preliminary 30-minute phone interview
The Workforce Program trains participants on how to work safely in an industrial shop and how to properly use the metalworking tools while being apart of a team.
(for example, able to stand for long periods, lift at least 50 lbs, can tolerate loud noises and flashing lights)
For example: TANF, Food Stamps, SSI, SSA, etc.


A family member, friend, teacher, or anyone who will always have a way of contacting you.


Not a family member, who can speak about your abilities and interests.
By signing this application, I agree that I have read all of the eligibility requirements to participate and certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to provide any documentation, financial or otherwise, that confirms the information submitted in this application, upon request. Furthermore, I understand that if accepted into this program, I will be required to notify the Steel Yard of future changes of contact information or employment.