Multiples: Slipcasting in Color

Multiples: Slipcasting in Color











6 in stock

SKU: C-Slip-FW25 Categories: , Tag:


In this course, students will be introduced to simple moldmaking techniques and will learn how to cast various forms. We will mostly focus on found objects, therefore no prior knowledge of hand building or wheel throwing is required.

The splicasting process is a great way to cast identical forms, but a lot of variations can also be introduced. We will begin with an introduction to mixing plaster and simple mold making (open face and two parts molds). From there, students will apply their new skills to casting more complicated found objects, or their own sculpted or thrown forms. With these multiples, we will explore different assemblage techniques as well as painting directly in the mold with colorful stains. This will be followed by different glazing techniques and firing.

Even though your work can be, the emphasis will not be put on functionality but rather on experimentation and concept. This is a great class for more experienced students looking to deepen their creative practice. Mold making and slipcasting both have a lot of steps, therefore class time will be crucial for students to properly understand the process. Materials and tools will be provided, students with their own respirators should bring them. And bring hand cream, plaster is very drying.


All enrollments are subject to our REGISTRATION & ENROLLMENT POLICIES.


SCHOLARSHIPS applications are available for students who may not otherwise be able to enroll in a course.  Additionally, standing sliding scale scholarships exist for advancing QT/BIPOC equity.