Jewelry I: Intro to Jewelry (Session 1)

Jewelry I: Intro to Jewelry (Session 1)










7 in stock

SKU: J-IntroS1-SS25 Category: Tag:


Move beyond the appreciation of jewelry to creation by learning the fundamentals of jewelry-making techniques, design and fabrication. A range of hand-tool processes will be covered through practical exercises and imaginative concept-based projects. You will acquire a solid set of technical skills, and will also exercise your creative design skills. The non-technical side of the class focuses on idea development and the critical-thinking skills needed to realize a vision. This course will review sawing, filing, soldering, scoring/bending, texturing, forming, linkages, wire construction and more. No prior metal-smithing skills are necessary. Metal will be provided for practice and exercises, but students may need to pay for additional metals needed for their independent work.

Tools, safety equipment, brass, and copper will be provided, and the instructor will help students navigate suppliers for any precious materials they may want. Enrollment in this course includes additional access to one monitored Open Studio session per week.


All students are required to fully read the Steel Yard Registration & Enrollment Policies before attending the first class.



SCHOLARSHIPS applications are available for students who may not otherwise be able to enroll in a course.  Additionally, standing sliding scale scholarships exist for QT/BIPOC students.