Introduction to Stone Setting

Introduction to Stone Setting










8 in stock

SKU: J-Stone-SS25 Categories: ,


Now that you’ve taken a few jewelry classes and are collecting stones right and left… what are you going to do with them all? This course will cover a variety of ways to design with and set stones. Students will learn how to set both cabochons and faceted stones using bezels, prongs, and tubes…all of which will be hand fabricated.

Over this eight week course, we will create a catalog of stone setting samples to keep for future reference while we work on our own custom designed pieces of wearable art that feature a cornucopia of beautiful stones. In addition to learning proper techniques you will also explore how the various forms of stone setting can enhance your own design aesthetic.

This course is appropriate for students with a basic knowledge of jewelry making, a prerequisite of ‘Introduction to Jewelry’ or similar class is recommended. Copper and some stones will be provided for samples and projects, but silver is the responsibility of the participant; sources for gems and metal will be discussed.


All students are required to fully read the Steel Yard Registration & Enrollment Policies before attending the first class.



SCHOLARSHIPS applications are available for students who may not otherwise be able to enroll in a course.  Additionally, standing sliding scale scholarships exist for QT/BIPOC students.